YOU ALL LIVE TODAY: Personal Thoughts on the Torah

By Zahava Fischer

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 200

ISBN: 978-1-60280-535-4

Ktav Publishing House

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“You All Live Today: Personal Thoughts on the Torah features short essays and ideas relating to a selection of the weekly Torah portions. It is a modest, yet extremely broad and personal work, testifying to the author’s poetic soul, which is reflected in the powerful language that characterizes the book. At the same time, this book is, in essence, a contemplative philosophical work that addresses fundamental existential and political questions. The interpretations given in the book are illuminating and thought-provoking. It encourages the reader to transcend the accepted interpretations and gives rein to explore new possibilities of meaning and understanding.


You All Live Today grants a fresh, lucid expression to a voice infrequently heard – one that is both very religious and very liberal. It is aimed at all lovers of Bible and Bible commentary interested in a unique personal understanding of the ancient text, while drawing on a wealth of traditional and contemporary sources.”

Yoav Sorek, Editor-in-Chief, Shiloach Journal


“What a wonderful book! How creative, and what a wide range of thought!”

Ronny Moalem, PhD student at The School of Jewish Studies and Archeology, Tel Aviv University


Zahava Fischer is an Israeli poet, translator of several books by Ann Radcliffe into Hebrew, and a social activist concerning agunot (women whose husbands will not grant a divorce). She is a busy mother and grandmother, and a volunteer in public schools in Jerusalem. Her book of poetry (Shirim) was published in 1995 by Gvanim Publishing in Israel.