Yad Vashem Studies

No. 1

By David Silberklang

Format: Softcover

Pages: 192

ISBN: 978-9653084773


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The subject matter in this issue of Yad Vashem Studies is varied and the geography far-flung, but questions of human relations during the Shoah between Jews and their non-Jewish countrymen as well as among Jews are a central theme and connecting thread. The articles address wartime Jewish accounts, rabbinic responsa, the destruction of a Jewish community and its ancient cemetery by local officials and Germans, camps, and regional issues in many parts of Europe, presenting both little known subjects and new documentation. The contributors, who come from six countries and provide insight from multiple perspectives: Lea Prais; Leon Saltiel; Judit Konya; Liliana Picciotto; Avihu Ronen; Dalia Ofer; Anna Hájková; Maud Mandel; and Bob Moore.