Yad Vashem Studies

Volume 40:1

By Editor: David Silberklang

Format: Softcover

Pages: 304

ISBN: ISSN:0084-3296


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Table of Contents: Introduction; Raphael Vago - Leon Volovici - In Memoriam; Rachel Feldhay Brenner - The Anatomy of Rescue: The Wartime Diary of Aurelia Wyleżyńska, 1939-1944; Jan Grabowski - Rural Society and the Jews in Hiding: Elders, Night Watches, Firefighters, Hostages and Manhunts; Joanna Tokarska-BakirAn AL Unit and Its Attitude toward Jews: The Trial of Tadeusz Maj; Laszlo Karsai - The “Jewish Policy” of the Szבlasi Regime; Ronit Fisher - Between Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide: An Alternative Analysis of the Holocaust of Romanian Jewry; Susanne Urban - “Unknown Dead”: Unsettling Finds from the Archive of the International Tracing Service. REVIEWS: Omer Bartov - “Sitrah Akhrah” (The Other Side): What is the Purpose of Holocaust Fiction? Reflections in the Wake of Two Historical Novels by Jonathan Littell and Steve Sem-Sandberg; Stephan Lehnstaedt - Who Will Edit Their History? The Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw and the Ringelblum Archives; Magdalena Tarnowska, ed., Życie i twórczość Geli Seksztajn (= Archiwum Ringelbluma, vol. 4); Katarzyna Person, ed., Getto warszawskie. Życie codzienne (= Archiwum Ringelbluma, vol. 5); Tadeusz Epsztein, ed., Inwentarz Archiwum Ringelbluma; Theodore R. Weeks - Grappling with an Uncomfortable Past: Recent Scholarship on the Holocaust in Poland and Lithuania; Adam Puławski, W obliczu zagłady: Rząd RP na Uchodźstwie, Delegatura Rządu RP na Kraj, ZWZ-AK wobec deportacji Żydów do obozów zagłady (1941-1942); Robert van Voren, Undigested Past: the Holocaust in Lithuania; Dimitry Shumsky - The Cracks in the Wall: Toward a Neo-crisis Paradigm of Jewish Historiography?; David Engel, Historians of the Jews and the Holocaust