The Songs of Psalms

Text, Translation and Interpretation

By Heinrich W. Guggenheimer

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 352

ISBN: 978-1602804012


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A new translation of Psalms, based on an exact reading of mesoretic accents which considers each traditional verse as a strophe, composed mostly of three or four lines. The interplay of strophes of variable length shows that the compositions have the characteristics of songs, different from poetry of strophes of fixed length appropriate for declamations.

The translation of difficult words in Psalms takes due note of the Arabic leaning environment of David's family.

About the Author

Heinrich W. Guggenheimer is a German born (1924), Swiss educated, American mathematician, since 1989 Professor Emeritus of Polytechnic University (today Polytechnic Institute of New York University). He received his advanced Jewish education at the Bet Midrash of Basel, Switzerland. After retirement following a successful career as research scientist, he turned his interests to Jewish subjects, writing with his wife Eva nee Horvics, Jewish Family Names, an etymological dictionary (1992, 2nd ed. 2017; German version 1996), and as sole author The Scholar's Haggadah (1995), Seder Olam, the rabbinic view of Biblical chronology (1998), a seventeen volume edition, translation, and commentary of the Jerusalem Talmud (2000 - 2014), and Reading the Torah (2019).