The Shemitta Sensation

By Rabbi Binyamin Zimmerman

Pages: 480

ISBN: 9781737761709

World Mizrachi

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Shemitta, the Jewish sabbatical year, is a sensational holiday year that is often overlooked and at times misunderstood. Shemitta calls for a once-in-seven-year 'time out' for an agricultural society. It proclaims a year off, a rest period for the rich and poor al'ike. This break from one's· regular routine and mindset, provides a year of Shabbat wtien the wheels of progress push towards other forms of advancement -when the economy can be set aside for the sake of growth in realms other than business.

Shemitta's return to the historical arena is testimony to the Jewish people's return to Eretz YisraeJ (the Land of Israel). After almost two thousand years of exile, the nation's return to the Land brought with it an agricultural rebirth. In place of the "sackcloth and ashes" famously described by Mark Twain, Israel is now a world leader in agricultural development and innovation, and Shemitta and its messages have returned in full force.

Beyond agriculture, Shemitta entails central teachings that are crucial for all Jews and the entire world. Shemitta is the source of the modern sabbatical for academics and others, and its lessons have inspired worldwide economic movements. The more we understand it, the more we will appreciate it and observe it properly while finding ways to inculcate its messages.

World Mizrachi is proud to present The Shemitta Sensation, inviting the reader to embark on a journey, exploring this sensational year's lessons and its contemporary messages.

About the Author

Rabbi Binyamin Zimmerman is an innovative educator who heads World Mizrachi's Musmachim semicha (rabbinic ordination) program and teaches on its other leadership programs. He also serves as a senior educator at the Zomet Institute and director of H.E.S.B.E.R. (Hebrew English Source Based Educational Resources), and is the author of the From the Source and With Spirit series of educational books for middle and high schools. He lives with his wife and children in Alon Shevut, Israel.