In this fourth volume of his groundbreaking series on rabbinic authority in English, Rabbi Warburg discusses the ramifications of the family and the child's welfare, as well as the case of the modern day agunah, a wife who is unable to get divorced due to her husband's recalcitrance.
By JLNJ Staff, Jewish Link of New Jersey
About the Author
Since 1999, Rabbi A. Yehuda Warburg has served as a dayan on various battei din panels in the Hassidic, Modern Orthodox, Sephardic, and Yeshiva communities in the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area. He is a former research fellow at the Institute of Jewish Law at Boston University School of Law. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Tradition and served on the editorial board of The Jewish Law Annual. For over two decades, Rabbi Warburg delivered classes in Hoshen Mishpat (business law) and Even ha-Ezer (family law) to rabbinical students at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, an affiliate of Yeshiva University. Rabbi Warburg received his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and earned his doctorate of jurisprudence at the Hebrew University Faculty of Law. The author resides in Teaneck, New Jersey.