"One of the main attributes we hope every Jew possesses is an authentic Jewish curiosity. Dan Shulman, a Hebrew school rebel, uses this quality as he boldly dives into our ancient tradition, making sense anew for the next generation. In addition to the conventional tools for biblical spelunking, Dan brings along his sense of humor and his endless creativity. This book is instantly readable, teachable, and something every clergy and educator should have on hand."
- Rabbi Ari Averbach
"Daniel Shulman shares a surprising – and exciting – number of qualities with the rabbis of classical midrash: an exquisite mix of series-mindedness and playfulness; a love of language combined with a talent for noticing far-flung but fascinating connections among texts, connections that are often noticeable more to the ear than to the eye; and a commitment to accept the Torah as eternally relevant. The result is a true modern midrash – not in the all-too-frequently misused sense of this term, but in a manner the genuinely recreates the intertextual and pious approach of the midrashim of yore."
- Professor Benjamin D. Sommer
"The Confluence of charming lore and intelligent insight makes the reading of Personal Midrash: Fresh Insights into the Torah by Daniel H. Shulman a delight. Daniel's writings are balanced with his own life's observations as well as a saturated breadth of knowledge of Jewish Tradition. These pages open portals of thought for the reader which stimulate the imagination. Trusting in Shulman's treatment of Midrash to be respectful more so than fanciful, one can take a creative leap into the Torah's clandestine layers and journey along with him. I Would suggest this book to any student of Torah who wishes to add color to its pages all too often read as black and white."
- Cantor Steven Stoehr