Is there any scientific basis for the biblical account
of creation, and can any of the theories be verified
or disproved?
Is the creation narrative meant to be understood
Is there any way we can reconcile the age of the
world, which the bible asserts is a mere 5775 years,
with the geological evidence of 4.5 billion years?
Can we logically explain the existence of dinosaur
fossils when these creatures did not even merit a
mention in the sacred texts?
Is it possible that the Hebrew letters themselves
are actually the building blocks of creation or
that there is a hidden code embedded within the
Mosaic texts?
How does one explain what seems to be glaring
inaccuracies and inconsistencies in Moses’ account
of creation?
These and other tantalising questions are addressed
with candour and intellectual honesty. Drawing
from multiple sources, including traditional
Rabbinic opinions, renowned philosophers, and
scientific authorities, the answers are sometimes
surprising, occasionally disturbing and always
thought provoking.