Mama, It will Be Alright

By Sol Silberzweig

Format: Softcover

Pages: 178

ISBN: 965-308-245-0


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  • Regular price $24.00

Sol (Szulem) Silberzweig was born in Warsaw in 1917. He entered his family's fur business, before his life was changed forever. In the Warsaw ghetto during WWII, Sol met his childhood sweetheart, Gittel. The pair were moved from one concentration camp to another, losing each other and then rediscovering each other and their love at the end of the war. Sol married Gittle and they moved to the US to begin a new life together in the shadow of their Holocaust experiences. As with many survivors, Sol managed to build a life from the ashes, establishing a fur business in his new home country which today is an international company.

So sadly, his special Gittel was killed in a car accident in, of all places, Germany. Sol passed away in the final stages of the writing of this important memoir, and the book is published in the memory of Sol (Szulem) and Gittel Siberzweig.