Jonah the Woodchopper: Encouraging Stories for Finding Your Way Through the Forest of Life

By Joshua Rubin

Format: Softcover

Pages: 207

ISBN: 978-098-386-851-4


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  • Regular price $12.00

Jonah the Woodchopper is a book full of parables and coaching exercises which encourage people to improve their lives through motivation, positive thinking and fortitude. 

A troubled past leads Jonah the Woodchopper to leave his society and live in the forest. The book begins with Jonah, who had a difficult relationship with his father, a failed marriage and a drinking problem, deciding to rejoin society. 

The tale of Jonah's life unfolds in a series of short stories, each of which has a moral and ends with a short exercise to help readers apply the moral in their own lives. This book offers universal messages for those wishing to improve their lives.

About the Author.

Joshua Rubin is a relationship coach and is also the author of Spiritual Awakenings