Hebraic Origins of the English Language in the Book of Psalms

By Gloria Wiederkehr-Pollack

Pages: 480

ISBN: 978-1-60280-537-8

Ktav Publishing House

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Hebraic Origins of the English Language in the Book of Psalms focuses on the extensive but unacknowledged influence of the Hebrew of the Book of Psalms on  Western languages, especially English, with the objective to demonstrate the transmittal of the Hebrew language through the medium of the Book of Psalms. This is the first of a five volume work that illustrates the living connection and the lifeblood between English and the poetry, the context, the themes, and the enduring messages of the Book of Psalms. Its major concern is to reveal the evolution of the English language as a derivative of the Hebrew canon, and to directly link English with its roots in Hebrew, thereby linking Western civilization to the language of Psalms, replete with its ideals, principles, aesthetics, and consciousness. The reader will discover in this study that Hebrew language and grammar are not tangential to the English language but rather influence its genesis and evolution.

Each chapter consists of philological and contextual analysis. Thus, the linguistic study is complemented by historical and thematic content − content that presents the reader with the depth and expanses of biblical exegesis previously unavailable in English translation.