Courageous Chicken

By Jared Bernstein

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 136

ISBN: 978-1602804609

Ktav Publishing House

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Courageous Chicken
A journey to living courageously, portrayed through paintings and poems

cou·ra·geous chick·en

A courageous chicken delights in authenticity.
It risks failure as it digs deep within and grapples 

with the things it fears, constantly seeking its higher self. 

Through imagery and words, Jared tracks his internal journey and concretizes his emotional narratives. This empowers him to reframe deep-seated feelings and passions and reconcile inner conflicts.

The creative process enables him to share the spectrum of his feelings and thoughts with the viewer. This process is a confrontation with his identity, an exploration of his fear, an act of courage, and an ultimate spiritual triumph – all central to the human experience.


Jared makes the inner world of the heart-broken come alive.
Dr. Miriam Adahan, Author and Lecturer

I am beyond wowed by the depth of Jared Bernstein’s art.
Nissim Black, International recording artist

Fascinating! Jared’s expression through his art not only reveals his own inner inspiration but inspires others to greater spiritual self-expression.
Charlie Harary, Business Executive, Author, and Lecturer

Jared’s unique art and distinctive poetry will have you glued to this book for hours.
Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Mohel, Author, and Lecturer

Jared’s poems and paintings provide access to a place where contact between mind and soul can take place.
Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz, Author and Lecturer

The high-wire mental act oddly reminded me of the cars in Looney Tunes cartoons that bend going around curves, stretch on takeoff, snap back to normal upon landing, and defy the laws of physics. The experience was sensational and very rewarding.
Rabbi Hanoch Teller, Author and Lecturer


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