It is customary in educational discourse
to speak about four "commonplaces,"
the common denominators of all formal
educational experiences. They are: the
milieu, the learners, the instruction, and
the subject matter.
Modern Orthodox Jewish day schools
are like other schools, only more so;
unlike other schools and, again, only
more so. Day school educators, like
their opposite numbers in the general
sector, make assumptions about
children and the way in which they
acquire and process information; about
adults and those interactions they have
with children that constitute instruction;
about schools as the loci in which these
interactions occur and are, hopefully,
nurtured; and, finally, about the nature
of knowledge and which general and
specific varieties of knowledge best
serve the purposes and interests of the
particular children for whose education
they have taken responsibility.
This anthology is designed to focus
attention on each of these critical areas
of educational concern and its contents
are distributed along those same lines of
It is customary in educational discourse
to speak about four "commonplaces,"
the common denominators of all formal
educational experiences. They are: the
milieu, the learners, the instruction, and
the subject matter.
Modern Orthodox Jewish day schools
are like other schools, only more so;
unlike other schools and, again, only
more so. Day school educators, like
their opposite numbers in the general
sector, make assumptions about
children and the way in which they
acquire and process information; about
adults and those interactions they have
with children that constitute instruction;
about schools as the loci in which these
interactions occur and are, hopefully,
nurtured; and, finally, about the nature
of knowledge and which general and
specific varieties of knowledge best
serve the purposes and interests of the
particular children for whose education
they have taken responsibility.
This anthology is designed to focus
attention on each of these critical areas
of educational concern and its contents
are distributed along those same lines of