And God Saw That It Was Bad

A Story from the Terezín Ghetto

By Otto Weiss, Editor: Ruth Bondy

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 78

ISBN: 965-308-346-2


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  • Regular price $28.00

In June 1943, Otto Weiss dedicated his personal novella to his wife on the occasion of her birthday. The family was interned in the Theresienstadt ghetto and the book explores what would have happened if the prayers of one man in the ghetto were answered and God took on human form to help the man. The suffering, alienation and fear, along with moments of hope and humanity, are reflected in this creative story, that raises fascinating theological and moral issues. Tragically, in October 1944, Weiss was murdered at Auschwitz. His wife and teenage daughter Helga, managed to survive and retrieve this fascinating book.