A Window to the Siddur is a commentary on the Siddur, the Jewish prayer book, written in dialogue format. It focuses on the themes, the order, and the historic background of the weekday and Shabbat prayers.
About the author
Rabbi Dr. Walter Orenstein is a graduate of Yeshiva University where he received his B.R.E., M.A., and D.H.L degrees. He was subsequently appointed to the faculty of the James Striar School (YU) as assistant professor of Jewish Studies and later to the Teachers Institute for Women (YU), where he was elected as chairman of the faculty and Stern College (YU), serving as a religious guidance counselor.
Rabbi Orenstein is the author of several books including Torah as Our Guide, Torah and Tradition, The Cantors Manual of Jewish Law, Etched in Stone, Letters to My Daughter, The Transformation of a Skeptic, and Teach Me About God, as well as several scholarly articles.
He is the recipient of the Senior Professor Award from Stern College and he is listed in “Outstanding Educators of America.”